Donna Salle - Travel Writer
Donna Salle, a freelance travel journalist and editor, spends her leisure time wearing her “lawyer” hat. Donna holds a Canadian passport and has migrated to the heart of New York City, where she has lived for many years.
Donna’s parents lived in 6 different countries before settling in Canada, which gives her a unique perspective and a love for foreign cultures.
Donna’s professionalism, writing skills and attention to detail come in handy for reviewing travel experience; but above all, her sense of adventure and curiosity make her stand out as a travel writer.
Donna’s writing has a global outreach and is geared towards the travel trade, such as travel agents and designers who are in a position to sell the destination, experience, or hotel. Her writing has focused on luxury travel, culture, lifestyle, sustainability and food. She has attended the Traveller Made / Serendipians annual conference since 2017 and regularly features Serendipian hotel partners.